Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Most Anticipated Books Releasing in the First Half of 2025

 There are so many wonderful books coming out this year. Here are the top ten that I hope to read that are releasing the first part of 2025.

Top Ten Tuesday


Lydia said...

I’m sure curious about My Friends.

Marwah A said...

Rules for Ruin looks amazing! I hope you'll love all these books :)

If you'd like to visit, here's my TTT: https://thebooklorefairy.blogspot.com/2025/01/top-ten-tuesday-most-anticipated-books-releasing-in-the-first-half-of-2025.html

MeezCarrie said...

i can't wait for so many of these too!! My TTT

Susan said...

I really liked the first book in the Meyer series. I'm hoping to read at least one of the sequels this year, hopefully more. I hope you enjoy all these!

Happy TTT!

Cindy said...

We have several books in common this week. I can't wait for Jaime Jo Wright's and Sarah Monzon's books! There are so many great ones releasing this year!