This year has seemed to have gone by very quickly. 2012 is around the corner and I'm trying to remember what happened in 2011. A lot changed for me this year and mylife is completely different then it was a year ago.(forgive me I am typing on a very small keyboard that is touchscreen) I started college classes in January after moving to Goodland, Kansas to be closer to my fiancé, now husband. A long distance relationship for two and a half years was more than enough years apart in my mind.
I started my first job in Kansas working nights which was also a first.
I traded in my Jeep and bought a car.
I started blogging more and doing blogging for books which I find ingenious!
I discovered more about Kansas- its not all flat.
I was/am continually working on trusting in God fully, especially with finding a job. This was really difficult for me this year.
My aunt got married in Corpus Christi,Texas and it was the first wedding I had been in.
Chance and I were married on July 28th in Jackson Hole Wyoming in the backyard of a bed and breakfast. This was my big event this year and made the year memorable.
Completed three semesters of college.
Celebrated our first Christmas together.
I bought a beautiful Pentax camera and Chance gave me a new lens to go with it this Christmas.
I will continue this list in my next post along with my new year resolutions!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Christmas is Almost Here
I can't believe that it is almost Christmas. It still doesn't feel like it at all this year, though we did get some snow last night. I have sent out the Christmas cards, wrapped most of the presents, and have yet to bake anything. At this point I have all of the gifts wrapped, but we aren't celebrating Christmas with both sides of the family until January.
I miss my dear mountains back home and the foot of snow that is being dumped upon them at this moment. The decorations here in Kansas are so very different than what I'm used to. Who puts a bunch of moldy stuffed animals in their front yard each year? Why would you do that? Stuffed animals that don't even pertain to the holidays. I don't understand the people out here in Kansas most days. I am trying but I can never understand even with an open mind.
I will be working Christmas Eve and Christmas morning this year. We have a fireplace at work and a pretty tree so it will be cozy. I might even enjoy hot chocolate on that evening.
I have discovered one new thing this Christmas and that is a new Christmas movie. I had never seen "It's A Wonderful Life" until about a week ago. I got it at the library and absolutely loved it! It's my new favorite and I'm quite certain it will be on my Christmas list next year. I love that it is an older movie but pertains to life today so well. Nothing really does change except hair styles (which isn't a bad thing!).
Sometimes it is hard to think about the true meaning of Christmas while you are being run over in the store, but try to remember what this holiday is all about. Get out your Bible, sing some songs that aren't about Frosty, and remember what is really important.
Merry Christmas!!
I miss my dear mountains back home and the foot of snow that is being dumped upon them at this moment. The decorations here in Kansas are so very different than what I'm used to. Who puts a bunch of moldy stuffed animals in their front yard each year? Why would you do that? Stuffed animals that don't even pertain to the holidays. I don't understand the people out here in Kansas most days. I am trying but I can never understand even with an open mind.
I will be working Christmas Eve and Christmas morning this year. We have a fireplace at work and a pretty tree so it will be cozy. I might even enjoy hot chocolate on that evening.
I have discovered one new thing this Christmas and that is a new Christmas movie. I had never seen "It's A Wonderful Life" until about a week ago. I got it at the library and absolutely loved it! It's my new favorite and I'm quite certain it will be on my Christmas list next year. I love that it is an older movie but pertains to life today so well. Nothing really does change except hair styles (which isn't a bad thing!).
Sometimes it is hard to think about the true meaning of Christmas while you are being run over in the store, but try to remember what this holiday is all about. Get out your Bible, sing some songs that aren't about Frosty, and remember what is really important.
Merry Christmas!!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Fierce Beauty
Kim Meeder is the author to a new book called Fierce Beauty. This isn't the first book she has written but it is the first one of hers that I have read. I really enjoyed this book and Meeder's stories and her insights on God. The book is a collection of stories and adventures that Meeder has experienced and relates things to God. When I first got the book I thought it was mainly going to be about outer beauty but this book does not focus on physical appearance, it focuses on other things that matter like being a strong person and TRULY trusting in Christ. It was a very thought provoking enjoyable book and I would recommend it to any woman.
“I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review”
“I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review”
The Exceptional Life
The Exceptional Life by Stephen Arterburn is written to be an inspirational book that has "8 powerful steps to experiencing God's Best for You". I always ask myself what that really means? Who can come up with "8 powerful steps" that will change a person's life? Arterburn is a well known author and his book gives advice on guilt, love, trust, forgiveness, patience, power, community, and freedom.While his book covers a wide range of feelings, it is not a book that I found to be anything new or out of the ordinary. I do not agree with everything he wrote about from his point of view, but he did have some valid opinions. Each feeling is looked at differently, broken down, and analyzed. Then he writes how a person can change once both sides of the certain feeling are looked at. The first chapter is about giving up guilt in order to get back hope. This obviously won't be "life changing" for anyone, but for those interested on another point of view on such topics, read this book. Arterburn does do a good job on giving examples of feelings with different stories so you can really get into the book and understand what he is writing about.
"I received this book this book for free from Bethany House Publishers"
"I received this book this book for free from Bethany House Publishers"
Friday, December 9, 2011
Ellie Kay's Money Wisdom
Ellie Kay is a pretty smart woman and does know how to handle money and help others do the same. The 60 Minute Money Workout was picked because I wanted to get some tips and see what advice she has to offer. Her "money workouts" seem clever and set up different aspects to handling money. "Cardio Burn" is usually the part where you, as the reader, must come up with ideas or write something down accordingly to what she is writing about. Kay has some good pointers, but I honestly was disappointed with what I read. I wanted to read something new and this book is not something new. I personally did not like the formatting of the book with the "cardio burn" and "take your heart rate" titles, but that is just one opinion and not what I rated the book on.
Overall Kay is a smart lady, and I don't think this book does her justice.
“I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review”.
Overall Kay is a smart lady, and I don't think this book does her justice.
“I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review”.
Check out Cindy Woodsmall!
Cindy Woodsmall is an author that I have followed for the past few years. She writes about the Amish and has come up with some great stories! While some authors who write about the Amish are sometimes boring and dry, I have found Woodsmall to be a bit different. You can read the first chapter of her book The Christmas Singing.
ALSO! With Christmas coming up WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing is offering 30% and FREE shipping on books with this promo code-CHRISTMAS11 when checking out online at Expires Dec 20th so it would be a good deal for a Christmas present!
ALSO! With Christmas coming up WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing is offering 30% and FREE shipping on books with this promo code-CHRISTMAS11 when checking out online at Expires Dec 20th so it would be a good deal for a Christmas present!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Mine is the Night
Mine is the Night by Liz Curtis Higgs is a much longer book then I anticipated. That said, it was a difficult book for me to get into and enjoy reading. I'm sure there are many readers who would enjoy this book and its setting in Selkirk. The author did a great job at describing the area, characters, and using the language of the time.
Overall, I would recommend this novel to anyone who enjoys the historical setting, time period, and some romance!
“I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review”.
Overall, I would recommend this novel to anyone who enjoys the historical setting, time period, and some romance!
“I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review”.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Living Close to God-When You're not Good At It.
Living Close to God When You're Not Good At It by Gene Edwards was an interesting read. I wouldn't recommend the book to everyone, and I was a little disappointed myself. The title is catchy but I didn't agree with everything he wrote about. Each person is different in their walk with God so this book was just one perspective. Edwards did have some great advice such as talking with God in the mornings and keeping Him with you throughout the day. There are a few times in the book where you are suppose to speak out loud instead of just read. I personally did not get too much out of the book the first time around. I would be willing to read it again. To those that think this book will be eyeopening and different, you could be very disappointed.
“I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review”
“I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review”
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Shutterfly Christmas Cards
Crazy to think that Christmas is just around the corner! After ordering many prints from places like Wal-mart, I decided to print our large wedding picture with Shutterfly. It turned out lovely and the bright packaging was a great addition to the order. That was my first experience with the company, and because of my order I received multiple prints for free-what a deal!
The other day I was reading my friend's blog and wrote a post on the Christmas card giveaway Shutterfly does for bloggers each year. This was quite exciting because I have been trying to decide what to do for our first Christmas card together. They so many different Christmas cards to choose from, I haven't decided which I like best. I always love the snowflakes and more simple cards. I also discovered they make Christmas cards that pertain to Christ as being the reason for the season.
As I was browsing, I started to think about different Christmas gifts I plan making/buying for my family. I hate buying things that someone won't use or enjoy, trinkets drive me crazy! So I am considering ordering a calendar for my mother that she can enjoy all year. I have made the calendar through Wal-Mart before, but not as high of a quality, hence the difference in price.
So this is the first time I have done the blogging for cards, I will let you know what I discover!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
God Gave Us You
God Gave Us You by Lisa Tawn Bergren was not was not what I was expecting. I thought it was going to be a simple cute polar bear story and the end. As I was reading I realized that there is a lot more to the book than one could realize. The story itself is simple and cute, but the idea is that children need to be told that they matter. This book points out to a child that God had a plan and that he or she matters. Many children don't hear these words or believe that they matter and this book says, directly to them,that they are special. The pictures are cute and the book is the perfect size and understanding to read to an infant and older. Really, there is no age limit on who needs to hear that they are a gift from God.
“I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review”.
“I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review”.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
The Inconvenient Marriage -Good but Nothing New
This book was a light read that I enjoyed. Though I have read many other books with the same ideas, this story was surprisingly witty with interesting characters involved. I don't want to give too much away but this book has a journey that was historically written. like many other such books it has a twist and turn and a happily ever after. Recommend for a light happy read.
“I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review”.
“I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review”.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
The Harvest of Grace
I just finished reading The Harvest of Grace by Cindy Woodsmall. It is the third book in the Ada's House Series. Though I had not read the first two novels, Woodsmall writes in a way that the reader still knows what is going on in the story. The characters were very well written and I enjoyed the type of issues that were dealt with in book. Sylvia has to go through a difficult time, guilty, and betrayed she moves on. I really appreciate how Woodsmall created a strong Amish character like Sylvia, it was refreshing.
The novel consists of many different stories intertwines, which was a bit complicated to sort out at first. There is an issue of forgiveness that made the book even better. Cara struggles with her past, but with God's help and patience, she was able to finally forgive.
Overall this was a good novel and an easy read. Woodsmall is an excellent author and she creates very real stories about Amish life.
“I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review”.
The novel consists of many different stories intertwines, which was a bit complicated to sort out at first. There is an issue of forgiveness that made the book even better. Cara struggles with her past, but with God's help and patience, she was able to finally forgive.
Overall this was a good novel and an easy read. Woodsmall is an excellent author and she creates very real stories about Amish life.
“I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review”.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
The Daughter's Walk
The Daughter's Walk is an excellently written book that uses fact and fiction ties. Kirkpatrick did a great job researching the historical facts that weave into this story. The story is not the average and contains many different twists and turns. In the late 1800s a mother and daughter decided to walk across the entire United States to save the farm. Not only does this sound impossible for that time period, but many other incidents occur that the reader doesn't expect. This is a great read, and I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys historical fiction.
“I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review”
“I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review”
Friday, July 15, 2011
Bridal Shower!
Last night my mom through me a fun bridal shower at her house. It was too much fun and I love all of the women! We ate cheesecake and wraps, played games, and laughed all night! Good times!
It was a great evening! The veil is made out of the bows from the gifts, the dress is made out of toilet paper. I didn't realize my friends had such an eye for fashion.
It was a great evening! The veil is made out of the bows from the gifts, the dress is made out of toilet paper. I didn't realize my friends had such an eye for fashion.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Eleven More Days!!!
Only eleven more days until I see my husband to be! I have been busy making phone calls and laying out the last plans for our wedding/honeymoon! I discovered that there is an Albertsons near the town we will be staying at so I can pick up last minute items. I can get beautiful flowers for my bouquet there and brownies since Chance doesn't want a wedding cake. We will be camping the night before our wedding so I was a little worried that I wouldn't be able to shower before the ceremony! Thankfully the lady that runs the B & B is super nice and she said we can show up earlier then check in time and set everything up and do my hair!
I'm just so excited to go on this grand adventure! I love traveling new places because it puts you out of your comfort zone and into adventure mode.
Counting down the days now, not too much longer!
I'm just so excited to go on this grand adventure! I love traveling new places because it puts you out of your comfort zone and into adventure mode.
Counting down the days now, not too much longer!
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Soon to be a Married Woman
I am going to be a married woman in two weeks. The thought astounds me. It is the craziest feeling that my entire life is going to change in so many ways. Only a few more days being Michelle Miller. I am so very happy to be marrying the most incredible man. God has overwhelmingly blessed me by putting Chance in my life so many years ago.
I love you Chance Marble!
I love you Chance Marble!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Home by Julie Andrews
This was a lovely book that I picked up at Borders last month. I love love love biographies and Julie Andrews has always interested me. Her writing is a bit different then some biographies I have read, but it was still entertaining for me to read. The last couple chapters were rather dull, but for the most part it was interesting. She went through a lot more then I had ever realized and is a strong woman.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Bluebells and Colorful Skies
This is at one of my most favorite places in the entire world! The Gold Dust Trail. It was beautiful and I realized, once again, how incredibly blessed I was to grow up in Como.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Indelible by Kristen Heitzmann
Kristen Heitzmann has done an excellent job with her novel *Indelible*. I have not read this author before so I was curious about reading this book. Great read, couldn't put it down! I love the background and the characters that fill the pages. I would read this book again and definitely suggest others read it. This book contains some intense scenes and if one has a good enough imagination it can be a bit disturbing and graphic. Her writing made me think about Ted Dekker/Frank Peretti writing, but was slightly different and fresh. This book has a couple twists, but a dark part that is "hidden" throughout the book. Overall this book is excellent and I will be looking for more of her books.
Note: I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review. This is my honest opinion on the book.
Note: I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review. This is my honest opinion on the book.
Friday, June 24, 2011
A Sidenote......
If you have never eaten need to!!!!
Tiramisu is amazing and must be eaten with a cup of coffee!!
Also, I tried out a new restaurant today called "Little Cambodia". YUM!! I had the "Pho" soup and spring roll.
More Wedding Planning
This is where we are getting married and staying for two nights in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. The owners have been fantastic and I will definitely write more about our stay after our experience!
This is where we will be camping in Jackson Hole. SO excited!!
These are just a couple details, I will be taking a lot of pictures along the way as well! I travel all of the time, and am always in search of someplace new. It's one of my most favorite things to do. Planning trips is a simple guilty passion I have. The wedding should be beautiful, and we have a photographer! Tom, the man who is performing the ceremony is great. It will be lovely.
This is where we will be camping in Jackson Hole. SO excited!!
These are just a couple details, I will be taking a lot of pictures along the way as well! I travel all of the time, and am always in search of someplace new. It's one of my most favorite things to do. Planning trips is a simple guilty passion I have. The wedding should be beautiful, and we have a photographer! Tom, the man who is performing the ceremony is great. It will be lovely.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Future Plans
Over these past few weeks much has changed with my future plans. The wedding will not be happening as planned, we are eloping! At the end of July I will marry my beloved man. Jackson, Wyoming is where we will be going and we will have a simple quiet ceremony. I am so very excited. I just want to be with him for the rest of my life. Family issues have made this decision come about, but I think it will be more fun and relaxing anyway. My dress will be finished, and we can camp in the beautiful mountains.
I can't wait for Jackson and Yellowstone!
I can't wait for Jackson and Yellowstone!
Thursday, June 9, 2011