Sunday, January 22, 2012

This Week

Well I sure am not living up to my blogging new year resolution. It's so hard to find the time! This week has gone by so fast. College and working three jobs leaves little room for much of anything else!

I started a health class this past week and will probably report about it on here. I have come up with a healthy goal to accomplish in the next couple of months.

I made homemade bread this week but still need to experiment with the recipe. I also made Shrimp Scampi which actually turned out pretty good! I think that I need to visit Corpus Christi, TX again for real shrimp though!

Bible study this week was very interesting and thought provoking. Chance really got a lot out of this week and made him think a lot. We had a few discussions about it throughout the week, which I am so blessed to be able to do that with my husband.

I will no longer be working nights at the hotel, I gave my notice this week. The graveyard shift has been a learning experience but I do not wish to pursue it in a career. I have another opportunity with a coffee shop which was an answer to prayer.

That was pretty much my week, not exciting but very busy!

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