About the Book
In The Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages, Shaunti Feldhahn shares her findings about little, very unexpected, often overlooked actions that make a huge difference. You’re about to discover that highly happy couples:
• Go to bed mad
• Keep score (just not in the way you think)
• Boss their feelings around
• Have factual fantasies
• Get in over their heads
• Don’t tell it like it is
• Don’t look to marriage to make them happy…
Packed with eye-opening research and practical helps, this book delivers relationship insights that will take your marriage from “just fine” to “just the marriage we’ve always wanted.”
My Review
I have read other books by Shaunti Feldhahn and she usually has good advice, some new, some not so new. This book sheds some new light into the world of marriage but many things were not a totally new idea. My favorite part is when she is talking about doing the opposite of what people usually do. In chapter three she writes about a couple who has plans for an evening and the wife ends up waiting a lot later for the husband to come home. In the end their planned evening does not happen and she watches Netflix while he is sleeping. Now I put myself in that situation and I can see myself being really upset, but why should I be upset? You need to read the rest of the story to completely understand but she does the opposite and says it's ok. She is disappointed but she is not saying "why didn't you think of me this is unfair." It is a great example of letting your spouse know you care and not letting it ruin your night or week.
Each chapter has surveys, examples, and questions that are all about the happy marriage!
If you are looking for new insight on marriage check it out.
Find out more and read an excerpt.
"I received this book from Waterbrook Multnomah for free in exchange for an honest review."
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