About the Book
All too often, we
struggle under the weight of life, convinced we need to work harder to
prove to ourselves, to others, and to God that we are good enough, smart
enough, spiritual enough to do the things we believe we should.
In"Nothing to Prove"author and Bible teacher Jennie Allen helps us find
the freedom to accept that fact that we are not enough, but God is. We
can stop striving to be seen, to be known, to matter and instead find
our strength and rest in Jesus, who offers more than enough for our
every circumstance. (Goodreads)
My Thoughts
Have you heard about the IF: Gathering? This gal, Jennie Allen, is the one who started it and that is why I decided to read this book. I haven't been a part of the gatherings but I have heard a lot about them and I was curious to see what this lady's story was all about. This was a good book. I wouldn't say anything life changing for myself or really anything I didn't know. It is simply a reminder that we don't have to be enough because God is enough. Our lives are a constant trying to do this or that and when things don't turn out or people judge us or it is felt that we aren't good enough-we spiral downward. Everyone is different and even if you shrug off something many times it can all add up to where we feel like we are carrying a heavy backpack as Allen describes. She has some great insight and really adds a lot of what God says about all of this craziness. This is a good book for when you feel overwhelmed.
Five stars.
"I received this book from Blogging for Books for free. All opinions are my own."
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