Saturday, April 14, 2018

My Favorite Amish Stories

So I will be the first to admit that Amish stories are not my go to books to read. Many times I feel like the stories are all the same. That being said, I have read some EXCELLENT Amish books. If you are looking for something a little unique in the Amish genre check these out!


This whole series is well very written.

This is one of the first Amish books I read by recommendation of a dear friend who has since passed away.

This was just a wonderful book for any time of year!

Katie Ganshert did an excellent job writing out of her comfort zone!

This isn't Christian Fiction just an FYI but it is SO good.

This book drew me right in!

This is probably my all time favorite Amish story written by a classic story teller.

This series is popular for a reason, it really is very good.

This book is non-fiction and it will humble you and stick with you long after you read it. I still think of it often. Read it.

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