About the Book
Beauty queen Miss Earth Australia Liana Werner-Gray got a wake-up call at the age of 21, when she was diagnosed with a precancerous tumor in her throat. Realizing that health issues were holding her back, including in her entertainment career, she decided to change her lifestyle. Through juicing and using the whole-food recipes shared in this book, Liana healed herself in only three months. This success inspired Liana to create the Earth Diet and make information on the incredible power of plant-based and natural food available to others. She has since used her recipes to help thousands of people with cancer, diabetes, acne, addictions, obesity, and more. When you get the essential vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients your body needs, you can’t help but feel better. In this book, you’ll find more than 100 nutrient-dense recipes that provide proper nutrition. The Earth Diet is inclusive, with recipes for every person, ranging from raw vegans to meat eaters. It also features specific guidelines for weight loss, boosting the immune system, increasing your energy, juice cleansing, and more. If you’re looking for great-tasting recipes to help you live your healthiest life ever, then this book is for you. (Goodreads)
My Review
You have to have an open mind if topics such as this book are not your norm. I've read other reviews on the book and many people I know would bash this book without even reading it. I definitely don't agree with everything in this book. The author is telling us what worked for her and her mother and I have no doubt that it was good! No cookbook or book for that matter is the "right" book. Everyone is different so that being said- I really enjoyed this book. I thought it was well organized and while I thought it was going to be a cookbook that part didn't really come until the end.
What you put into your body is important and I found it true that she also said the things that your skin soaks up are just as important. Perfumes and lotions and scents all soak into your skin so do you really want some of those things in your system? There is also a wonderful section of recipes for personal care products such as toothpaste and even mascara! I also loved the recipes that didn't have dairy or gluten, as my body can't digest them so good. Liana Werner-Gray also writes about how growing your own produce is always the best or getting things from the local market which I completely agree. Many of the topics I had read about before and were nothing new to me but I did get some good info from this book.
Five stars!
"Thanks to Hay House Publishers for sending me a copy for free in exchange for an honest review."
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