Monday, September 14, 2015

God Gave Us Sleep Kids Review


About the Book
Little Cub is having so much fun building an igloo with her friends that she doesn’t want to stop for bedtime! Who needs sleep when there’s fun to be had? Mama patiently answers her child’s questions as she puts her to bed, explaining the importance of daily rhythms of work, play, and rest. As they talk through the fears that come with nighttime—and work through Little Cub’s endless stalling tactics—our favorite bear learns to realize that God gave us sleep as a vital gift.

“God gave us rest so we have energy for our day, and patience to enjoy it. And so we have quiet time to listen to him.”

This charming addition to the best-selling God Gave Us series, with its Arctic characters and relevant message, will help all little ones prepare for a peaceful night’s rest. (Goodreads)

 My Thoughts

What a cute book! This book is perfect for families who are trying to bet their kids to sleep all night. The story also goes over how God wants us to get rest so we are kind for the following day and not grouchy. My favorite part is when they pray for good dreams and not to be scared of nightmares. So this book covers a few issues that kids have when it comes to sleeping and reminded me the importance of sleeping too!

I love all of Lisa's children's books and this one is one of my favorites! I can't wait to share with my littles. 

"I received this book from Blogging for Books for free in exchange for an honest review."


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